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Failed to retrieve DOI from dataCite [404] The resource you are looking for doesn't exist.

This page present the list of all the records associated with the issue: Failed to retrieve DOI from dataCite [404] The resource you are looking for doesn't exist..

metadata_revision title level message
2024-12-05 USGS Glacier Mapping - 2023 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory ERROR Failed to retrieve DOI from dataCite [404] The resource you are looking for doesn't exist.: 10.21966/bzr6-er66
2024-12-05 Fraser River Airborne Surveys - 2021 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory ERROR Failed to retrieve DOI from dataCite [404] The resource you are looking for doesn't exist.: 10.21966/ytgc-6g46
2024-12-03 Bute Inlet Geohazard - Topography Surveys - 2023 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory ERROR Failed to retrieve DOI from dataCite [404] The resource you are looking for doesn't exist.: 10.21966/e4b8-vp48