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Title is greater than 60 characters

This page present the list of all the records associated with the issue: Title is greater than 60 characters.

metadata_revision title level message
2025-01-10 Seton and Anderson Lake Multibeam Survey - 2024 - British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2025-01-03 Data record does not exist anymore: Geomorphology - Calvert Island INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-19 iTrack Oysters February 2023 Experiment - Environmental and Oyster Health Data INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-16 Elliot Creek Landslide LiDAR Mapping - 2023 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-16 Cryosphere Snow Surveys Southwest British Columbia - 2023 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-11 High performance liquid chromatography phytoplankton pigment timeseries for the northern Salish Sea and central coast, British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-11 High-resolution time series of surface seawater CO2 content from the OceansAlaska Shellfish Hatchery in Ketchikan, Alaska, USA INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Fraser River Airborne Surveys - 2021 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Discharge Time Series (2013-2017) – Calvert Island - Archived Version 3.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 USGS Glacier Mapping - 2023 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Snow Mapping LiDAR Survey - 2022 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Kelp and Seagrass Mapping – 2022 – Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Observed stream flow from seven small coastal watersheds in British Columbia, Canada, Sept 2013 - Sept 2019 Version 5 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Stage-Discharge Time Series - Calvert Island - Archived Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Namu British Columbia - 2021 - Hakai Institute - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Observed stream flow from seven small coastal watersheds in British Columbia, Canada, Sept 2013 – April 2019 Version 4.1 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-05 Dissolved organic carbon fluxes of seven watersheds in a bog forest ecosystem at Calvert Island, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-04 Hakai Water Properties Vertical Profile Data Measured by Oceanographic Profilers, Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-04 100 Islands Research Program Terrestrial Vegetation Data - BC Central Coast - 2015, 2016, 2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-03 Bute Inlet Geohazard - Topography Surveys - 2023 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-12-02 Larval Dungeness crab abundance and size time series along the coast of British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-29 Surfgrass Community Structure - Length & Density - BC Central Coast INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-29 Surfgrass Communities - Motile Invertebrate Surveys - BC Central Coast INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-28 Fraser River - BCSRIF Landslide Mapping – 2022 – Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-27 Sentinels of Change Sea surface temperature time series data along the British Columbia Coast INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-25 Eelgrass (Z. marina) extent at Gulf Islands National Park Reserve eelgrass monitoring sites (2017, 2018) v1.0.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-22 MusselSeg: Semantic Segmentation for Rocky Intertidal Mussel Habitat INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-11-06 Spatial extent of eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds from monitoring sites within the greater park ecosystem of Pacific Rim National Park Reserve (2017, 2018) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-10-10 Protistan plankton time series from the northern Salish Sea and Central Coast, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-10-09 Water column CO2 system measurements from January 2016 to December 2023 from Hakai Institute oceanographic station QU39 in northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-08-21 Pruth Bay Oceanographic Mooring on Calvert Island Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-08-21 QU5M Oceanographic Mooring in Hyacinthe Bay, Quadra Island, Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-08-02 Surfgrass Community Structure - Monitoring - BC Central Coast - 2016-2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-08-02 Barnacle Dynamics: Point Intercept Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2019 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-08-02 Data for the paper "Phylogenomic position of eupelagonemids, abundant, and diverse deep-ocean heterotrophs" INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-31 Hakai Water Properties Vertical Profile Data Measured by Oceanographic Profilers, Research INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 LiDAR-derived Drainage Network for Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Stream temperature time-series – Calvert Island – 2013 - 2019 Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Hakai Place Names Service - Coastal British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Kelp Canopy Extent - 2015 - NW Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Stage-Discharge Time Series - Calvert Island - Archived Version 2.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Hunter Island Hauyat Village Site Elevation Point Data - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Avian and paired Vegetation data from 100 Islands Project (BC Central Coast) Hakai Institute - 2015-2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Orthophoto High Compression 0.25m resolution Mosaic - 2012 - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Juvenile Salmon Migration Dynamics in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait; 2015–2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Surfgrass Community Structure - Length & Density - BC Central Coast - 2017-2019 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Mobile Invertebrate Rocky Intertidal Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2016-2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 LiDAR Dataset - Calvert Island - 2012 & 2014 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Surfgrass Communities - Motile Invertebrate Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2018-2019 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Watersheds of the northern Pacific coastal temperate rainforest margin INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Water column carbonate system measurements from the Pacific Salmon Foundation Citizen Science Program stations from July 2016 to October 2017 in the northern Salish Sea, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 High-resolution hydrometeorological data from seven small coastal watersheds, British Columbia, Canada, 2013-2019 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Lidar Derived Canopy Height Model - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Freshwater and marine water quality (nutrients and carbon) - Calvert Island - 2014 to 2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 25m Digital Elevation Model - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Biogeochemical Sampling of Streams in the Kwakshua Watersheds of Calvert and Hecate Islands, BC: 2013-2019. Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Surface water CO2 parameters collected by Alaskan citizens around the northern Gulf of Alaska from April 2015 to August 2017. Version 1.0. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Nutrient and dissolved organic carbon in fresh and marine waters of Kwakshua Channel, British Columbia, Canada. Version 1.0. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Kelp Canopy Extent - Calvert Island - 2006-2016 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Summer sea wrack spatial data; Central Coast, British Columbia, Canada (2015 - 2017) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Dissolved and particulate organic carbon chemistry for freshwater and marine stations from 2014 through 2016 on Calvert and Hecate Islands, British Columbia, Canada. Version 1.0. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Microbial activity and carbon fluxes in rainforest soil – Tsunami Hill, Calvert Island – June 2015 - April 2016 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from November 2017 to June 2018 collected in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Rocky Intertidal RPAS Mapping - 2018 - 2020 - BC Central Coast - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Keen’s Mouse Food Web Study – 100 Islands Project – Central Coast, BC (2015-2017) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Juvenile pink and chum salmon diet study – Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait – May to July 2015 and 2016 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Baseline Limnology of Lakes in the Kwakshua Watersheds of Calvert and Hecate Islands, BC. 2016-2019 v2.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Seascape connectivity data from a sub-tidal Zostera marina meadow, Choked Passage, Calvert Island, 2015 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Surface water CO2 parameters collected by shellfish growers and partners in the northern Salish Sea from 2016 to 2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 World View 2 Imagery - Coverage of three regions of the BC Central Coast - Summer 2014, 2015, & 2016 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Air temperature and relative humidity time-series – Central Coast and Quadra Island – 2013 - 2019 Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Bathymetry for Six Lakes on Calvert and Hecate Islands - 2016 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Jellyfish Monitoring UAV Imagery - Pruth Bay - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Hakai Institute’s Burke-o-Lator TCO2/pCO2 Analyzer Discrete Sample Analysis Protocols INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Extent of Canopy-Forming Kelps, Derived from World View-2, Central Coast, Central Coast, British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Groundwater sampling in the Kwakshua Watersheds of Calvert and Hecate Islands, BC (2016-2019) - Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Northwest Calvert sea wrack temporal data, Central Coast, British Columbia (2016-2017) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 LIDAR Derived Forest Metrics - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 High-resolution record of surface water pH at Sentry Shoal in the Northern Strait of Georgia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Precipitation time-series – Central Coast and Quadra Island – 2013 - 2019 Version 1.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from December 2014 to April 2016 collected in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada. Version 1.0. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Hakai Marine Sampling Survey - 2014 - BC Central Coast - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 100 Islands Project - Island Spatial Data -2017 - Coastal British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 3m Digital Elevation Model - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 Underway Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer Observations Made from the Alaska Marine Highway System M/V Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-24 High-Resolution Record of Surface Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected From Hakai Institute Quadra Island Field Station in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Glacier and Icefield Mapping - British Columbia - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Imagery and Elevation Models for Monitoring Invertebrates at Intertidal Sites - 2017 - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nearshore substrate classification - Northwest Calvert Island, BC (2015-2017) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Gitanyow Archaeology, Cranberry Junction - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Seastar & Macroinvertebrate Dynamics - BC Central Coast - 2016-2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Glacier and Ice Field Mapping - 2021 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Mount Robson BC Parks Survey - 2022 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Killer Whale Foraging Drone Observations - Coastal British Columbia - 2019 & 2020 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Water column CO2 system measurements collected during the 2016 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration West Coast Ocean Acidification survey (NOAA WCOA2016) from California to British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Dataset for article: 'Migration timing affects the foraging ecology of Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks in coastal waters of British Columbia, Canada' INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Remotely-Piloted Aerial Systems Imagery, Terrain Data, and Derivates - 100 Islands Project, Central Coast, BC, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Google Earth Engine Kelp Tool - Central Coast Output - Version 1.0.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Pruth Dock, Calvert Island Tide and Weather Station Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Differential infestation of juvenile Pacific salmon by parasitic sea lice in British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nearshore elevation and imagery models - Quadra Island Hakai Institute Facility Shoreline - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Snow Depth Measurements from Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems - Mt. Cain - 2018 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Rocky subtidal fish and invertebrate swath data from BC Central Coast, v1.2.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nearshore substrates of the McMullin Group Islands - British Columbia - 2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nuchatlaht Survey - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory Imagery and Topography Data - Nootka Island British Columbia - 2023 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Provisional Real-Time Hakai Seafloor Observatory in Hyacinthe Bay, Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nereocystis kelp canopy productivity data from BC Central Coast, v1.2.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from June 2017 to April 2019 collected in Sitka Harbor, Alaska, USA INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Adjusted Koeye River stage and temperature from 2013 to 2021 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Water column CO2 system measurements from Hakai Oceanographic station QU39 from January 2016 to December 2017 in northern Salish Sea, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Discovery Islands LiDAR Dataset - 2014 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Kelp and Eelgrass Mapping – BC Central Coast – 2021 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Koeye River stream temperature, stage, and conductivity time-series version 1 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Kilbella River Estuary LiDAR Survey - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Kelp extent for the McNaughton Group Islands (2017), Manley Island (2017), and Serpent Group Islands (2016), British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Eelgrass (Z. marina) extent at sites along the Central Coast, British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Biodiversity Surveys of the Gwaxdlala/Nalaxdlala Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) in Knight Inlet, British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Island Food Web Study - Central Coast Islands (100 Islands Project) - April to July 2015, 2016, & 2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from April 2016 to November 2017 collected in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Underway surface seawater and marine boundary layer observations made from the Alaska Marine Highway System M/V Columbia from October 2017 to October 2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Cryosphere - Glaciers and Icefields - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Bald eagles as vectors of marine nutrients – Central Coast Islands (100 Islands study area) – May – July 2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Real-Time Provisional Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Observations made from the Kwakshua Channel (KC) Buoy on the central coast of British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 30m Digital Elevation Model - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Hakai physical plan and utility lines – Calvert Island Field Station - 2006 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Macrocystis kelp canopy productivity data from BC Central Coast, v1.3.0 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Uncertainty analysis of stage-discharge rating curves for seven rivers at Calvert Island (2013-2015) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of 8-m seawater CO2 content entering Fanny Bay Oysters in Baynes Sound, British Columbia, Canada from March 2017 to November 2017 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Time-lapse Camera Imagery of Calvert Island Beaches (2012-Present) INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Hakai Institute British Columbia Central Coast Fixed Platform Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Time Series Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Zooplankton - Taxonomy – Northern Strait of Georgia, Discovery Islands, Johnstone Strait, and Queen Charlotte Strait – April to July 2015 and 2016 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Juvenile salmon migration observations in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait in British Columbia, Canada in 2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Elliot Creek Landslide – 2022 – Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Elliot Creek – Homathko Estuary Mapping - 2021 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Particulate organic matter composition for freshwater and marine stations from 2015 through 2018 on the Central Coast, British Columbia, Canada. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Marine CO2 system variability along the Inside Passage of the Pacific Northwest coast of North America determined from an Alaskan ferry INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 North Vancouver Island Survey - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Glaciers and Ice - 2022 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of surface seawater CO2 content from August 2016 to August 2017 collected in at the OceansAlaska shellfish hatchery in Ketchikan, Alaska, USA INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Sea wrack wet to dry biomass calibrations for macroalgae of the Central Coast of British Columbia - 2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Hunter Island UAV Survey - June 2016 - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Owikeno Basin LiDAR Survey - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of sea surface nitrate at Sentry Shoal in the Northern Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada from 2015 to 2017. INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Real-Time Provisional High-Resolution Record of Surface Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected from Hakai Institute Quadra Island Field Station in Hyacinthe Bay, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Organic Carbon at Land-Ocean Interface - Calvert Island - 2014-2016 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Spatial extent of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows from monitoring sites within Gwaii Haanas (2016, 2017, 2018) mapped using remote piloted aerial systems INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Fountain Valley LiDAR Data - 2019 & 2020 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Imagery and elevation models monitoring algae research sites - 2017 - Calvert Island - British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Kelp Monitoring - MAPP - Hakai Institute - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Broken Group Imagery and LiDAR - 2018 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Mapping Canopy-Forming Kelps in the Northeast Pacific: A Guidebook for Decision-Makers and Practitioners INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Cryosphere LiDAR Mapping - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory -British Columbia - Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Moore Island Archaeology Survey - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Ancient Forest Wetlands, BC - Upper Fraser River - 2019 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Fin Island & K'yel - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory Data INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Fraser River Airborne Surveys - 2020 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of CO2 content from October 2013 to December 2018 measured in seawater entering the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery in Seward, Alaska, USA INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Koeye River stream temperature, stage, and conductivity time-series version 2 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Nanwakolas Watershed Surveys - Knight Inlet - 2019 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Gordon River Archaeology - 2022 - Hakai Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Spatial extent of surface canopy kelp derived from fixed-wing surveys (2020-2022), Central Coast, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Barnacle Dynamics: Point Intercept Surveys - BC Central Coast - 2016-2018 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Fatty acids of particulate matter collected from 2015 to 2018 near Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Juvenile Salmon Migration Observations from the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program in the Discovery Islands in British Columbia, Canada in 2020 INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Snow Mapping Coastal British Columbia - 2021 - Airborne Coastal Observatory INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 Surface Seawater and Marine Boundary Layer CO2 Observations Made from the Kwakshua Channel (KC) Buoy on the Central Coast of British Columbia INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-23 High-resolution record of surface seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) content, water temperature, sea surface salinity and other parameters collected in Sitka Harbor, Alaska, USA INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-18 Water Level measured from a Pressure Tide Gauge Instrument Deployed in Choke Pass on Calvert Island Research INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-18 8-day average satellite (Sentinel 3A and 3B) chlorophyll and suspended matter concentrations for coastal British Columbia and southeast Alaska INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-17 Spatial extent of surface canopy kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) derived from fixed-wing surveys (2023), Denman Island to south Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-17 Real-Time Provisional High-Resolution Record of Seawater Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Content Collected from the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre in Bamfield, BC, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-12 Hakai Bulk and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment Concentrations Collected by Niskin Bottle, Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-12 Hakai Bulk and Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll and Phaeopigment Concentrations Collected by Niskin Bottle, Research INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-07-12 Ancestral sea gardens supported human settlements for at least 3800 years on the Northwest Coast of North America INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-06-27 Genetic Stock Identification of Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Captured in the Discovery Islands and Johnstone Strait BC, Canada INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
2024-06-12 Vertical Water Properties Profiles (CTD) from the Hakai Institute Juvenile Salmon Program, Provisional INFO Title is greater than 60 characters