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Ancestral sea gardens supported human settlements for at least 3800 years on the Northwest Coast of North America

Records page: link

  • Name: ca-cioos_e8d36f54-4955-463c-94e5-f0030c3230f3
  • Organization: Hakai Institute
  • Ressource Type: dataset
  • Licence: CC-BY-NC-4.0
  • Private: False
  • Projects: Geospatial
  • Progress: completed
  • State: active
  • Type: dataset
  • Distributor: Hakai Institute
  • Resources Count: 1
  • Vertical Extent: [{'max': '5.0', 'min': '-1.0'}]
  • Eov: other
  • Doi: 10.21966/hy20-x379
  • Metadata Publication: 2023-01-17
  • Metadata Revision: 2024-07-12
  • Catalogue: link


level message
ERROR Invalid licence: CC-BY-NC-4.0
INFO Title is greater than 60 characters
INFO No version
INFO Contact missing ORCID: contact['individual-name']='Lepofsky, Dana' contact.get('organisation-name')='Simon Fraser University'
INFO Contact missing ORCID: contact['individual-name']='Crowell, Travis D.' contact.get('organisation-name')=''
INFO Contact missing ORCID: contact['individual-name']='Salomon, Anne K' contact.get('organisation-name')='Simon Fraser University'
INFO Record isn't accesible via a standard data repository
WARNING Contact missing ORCID: contact['individual-name']='Smith, Nicole F.' contact.get('organisation-name')='Hakai Institute'